Saturday, May 21, 2011

Plastic Magic on WBCQ this weekend

Hey everybody, Plastic Magic will not be airing on KXUA this sunday.....BUT.....will be airing a re-run on WBCQ! So, fire up your old shortwave radio and tune in to 5.110mHz Sunday May, 22nd, 2011 from 7-9pm CST. Give us a holler at with a reception report (I do have QSL cards to mail out). Also check out: Area 51 for detailed schedule of this weekends programing.
Keep an ear out on to how to win some free records this summer! Just by listening to Plastic Magic!


  1. What did they play instead this past Sunday?

  2. if you mean WBCQ, I am on every other sunday by way of John P. Lightning and Radio New York International who is on the other sundays...if you mean KXUA, there is usually no one when I'm not there...automation
